小學部暨附幼招生資訊 -Admissions Information
- 109學年度(含)以前就讀小學:凡設籍於基隆市者,皆可轉入本校。
- ⚠️⚠️⚠️110學年度(含)以後就讀小學:需設籍在本校學區內才能報到入學或轉學⚠️⚠️⚠️
三、報到日期與時間: 依最新公告為準,或洽詢本校教務組。
四 、報到地點: 本校行政棟2樓辦公室之教導處教務組
六、備 註 :
1. 若最近遷居本校學區,未收到入學通知者,請於報到日期攜帶相關證件,至校填寫入學申請單即可辦理報到。
2. 基隆市衛生局函請家長於入學前完成幼童下列三項疫苗接種:
(2)減量破傷風白喉非細胞性百日咳及不活化小兒麻痺混合疫苗(Tdap- IPV)一劑
4. 若無法於報到日期辦理報到,請事先來電告知,並請於平時上班時間9:00~15:00辦理報到。
5. 本校因校地有限,無法提供校內免費停車服務,敬請見諒。
Primary School
(dial extension #20 for more info)
1. School district :Only children lived in specific area at Qidu District (Keelung City) can register for our school .
2. Enrollment age : six-years or older.
3. Registration date and time : According to the latest announcement.
4. Check-in location :No. 21, Huaxin 2nd Rd., Qidu Dist., Keelung City 206 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
@Teaching Affairs Team, Office on the 2nd Floor, Administrative Building
5. Items that should be
brought :
(1) The original household register
and a copy of the handed in (return the original after
(2) Admission notice
(3) Photocopy of vaccinations
(4) Other special identification certificates
(such as the low-income household certificate of the district
office, the disability handbook) , Aboriginal household
registration transcript)
6. Remarks :
(1) If you have recently moved to the school district of this school and have not received the notice of admission, please bring the relevant documents on the registration date and fill out the admission application form at the school to register.
The Keelung City Health
Bureau asks parents to complete the following three vaccinations
for young children before entering school:
A. The second dose of measles, mumps, rubella, and mixed (MMR)
B. Reduced dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis and
inactivation One dose of Polio Mixed Vaccine (Tdap-IPV)
C. The fourth dose of Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine (JE4).
Please also submit a copy of the "Vaccination Schedule and Record
Sheet" for verification at the school when you enroll in
(3) If the student has moved to another school, went to study
abroad, or wants to postpone the application due to illness, please
call to inform the reader, or send the admission notice to the
school's academic affairs section (please indicate the new
residence address and the name of the school), so as to avoid not
completing the enrolment. The enrolment committee was forced by the
registration and notification area, causing unnecessary distress
for all parents.
(4) If you cannot register on the check-in date, please call to inform in advance, and please check-in during normal working hours from 9:00 to 15:00.
(5) We apologize for the inability to provide on-campus parking service. Parking is available outside next to the school gate.
- 原住民幼兒。
- 本府轉介輔導或安置之幼兒。
- 本園及其所屬學校或場地主管機關(學校)之編制內教職員工子女。
- 低收入戶子女。
- 中低收入戶子女。
- 身心障礙(指依特殊教育法第三條規定,當年度經本市特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導會(以下簡稱鑑輔會)鑑定安置,並領有證明文件者)。
- 原住民。
- 特殊境遇家庭子女。
- 中度以上身心障礙者子女。
- 本府轉介輔導或安置之幼兒。
- 本園及其所屬學校或場地主管機關(學校)之編制內教職員工子女。
- 輕度身心障礙者子女。
- 父或母一方原屬國為外國籍之幼兒。
- 育有三胎以上子女家庭之幼兒。
- 家有兄弟姊妹就讀本園、本校之幼兒(其兄弟姊妹身分認定限「原園直升幼兒」、「112學年度就讀本校者」)。